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Zirous Solution: Mortgage Payment Startup

This Mortgage Payment Startup Company serves as the glue between various mortgage resources. Previously, the Company’s process included cutting actual checks for these transactions. As highlighted above, this action poses the risk of fraud, takes time, costs money and can be a downright hassle.

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10 Tips for Working Remotely: Part 2

At Zirous, working remotely is a major part of our business, whether an employee is working from home permanently, or performing work for an out-of-state client. Of course, we do have many employees working on-site for clients, but the trend at Zirous, and in IT consulting, is leaning toward off site work for these reasons.

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10 Tips for Working Remotely: Part 1

At Zirous, working remotely is a major part of our business, whether an employee is working from home permanently, or performing work for an out-of-state client. Of course, we do have many employees working on-site for clients, but the trend at Zirous, and in IT consulting, is leaning toward off site work for these reasons.

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Technology of the Future: The Internet of Things

The technology field is home to an unpredictable and ever changing landscape. Something heralded as an “industry game changer” today can be reduced to little more than an afterthought in just a few years’ time. Alternatively, other tech that is brushed aside as nothing more than a novelty item can quickly bloom into a massive business. Since no one can accurately predict what will succeed, and what will fail, it’s important to keep up to date on the new technology.

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Zirous Goes Platinum!

Zirous is thrilled to announce that we've been approved as a Platinum Partner with Oracle. We are now the ONLY Platinum Partner in the State of Iowa and one of only a handful of Platinum Partners in the entire Midwest region.

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A Few Java ‘Gotchas’ to Watch Out For

It is hard to believe I have been working on Java code for over ten years. I remember getting started in Java working on JSPs or Java Server Pages and Servlets which included putting scriptlets in my JSPs. Later on, I learned how that was frowned upon by true Java programmers. As we develop our Java skills we learn from senior team members as well as from books and blogs we read. Today, we are going to go over some ‘Java gotchas’ and how to avoid them.

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