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Navigating the marketing world and riding the wave of trends is the name of the game in 2024! For marketing experts, staying tuned into your audience’s pulse is absolutely essential. Tune in, turn up, and stay connected because in this ever-changing landscape, that’s how you ensure an encore of effective customer engagement.  In 2023, we witnessed transformative shifts, including the surge of AI, short-form videos skyrocketing in popularity, and SEO gaining even more traction than in previous years. Businesses understand that trends are always changing, but how do they keep up with the fluctuating landscape? Get ready to steal the show with our top predictions for the marketing stage in 2024!

Marketing Trends in 2024

#1 Artificial Intelligence

While it may be an obvious one, there is no denying that AI is just getting started. It has already shown to be a game-changer for both companies and consumers alike. Companies understand the advantages of incorporating AI to streamline their tasks and simplify their operations, and this trend is only set to continue to progress in this direction. 

Marketers and agencies have already begun to experiment with AI. It offers fresh content ideas that can spark inspiration and invite new perspectives into the ideation process. It’s no secret that AI allows more opportunities for scale, efficiency and creativity, revolutionizing the way that marketers approach their strategies and storytelling techniques.

#2 Email Marketing

Email is a very powerful tool in marketing. It offers outstanding ROI and the potential to transform customer relationships, therefore improving customer value. 

Email isn’t going anywhere. While marketing teams will need to be aware of upcoming trends, what you can expect to see continue to grow in 2024 is an increase in brands offering newsletter subscriptions to customers. This serves as an excellent method to capture a potential customer when a website visitor isn’t quite prepared to buy. You can create a strong community that facilitates user-led growth by curating genuinely valuable content for your readers.

But don’t forget the deliverability compliance changes that were recently introduced by Google, Yahoo, and other mailbox providers. Be ready to see tightened authentication requirements, enhanced user engagement metrics, and clear unsubscribe mechanisms. 

#3 Extended Reality (XR)

XR-driven marketing is just getting started and 2024 could be the year of substantial growth. Extended Reality is an umbrella term that covers all technologies that digitally enhance human experience. The three main components of Extended Reality are Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). 

VAEZR Studio, a division of Zirous, was created to focus on the virtual world that is continuing to emerge into everyday life. Virtual Reality replicates a fully immersive environment similar to that of the real world. Users can engage with virtual objects and go through experiences in various settings or training scenarios. On the other hand, Augmented Reality is a technology that allows you to view digital information, images, videos or graphics.

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 #4 Social Media

Social media has continued to accelerate and evolve throughout the years and it is not slowing down. There are approximately 4.9 billion people that are active on social media and that number is expected to increase to around 5.85 billion users by 2027. Short-form videos have gained popularity on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, allowing content to expand reach, which then allows businesses the opportunity to grow organically. 

If you haven’t started making short-form videos yet, then 2024 is the time to start. A little tip to receive even more reach; include subtitles on your social videos so users have the option to still view without the sound. Trends and sounds that are found on Reels and TikTok are a quick way to reach users, but you need a strong foundation of useful information on your page, so don’t be too focused on keeping up with quick click trends. Don’t forget the keywords and hashtags!

 #4 SEO

SEO is constantly changing and it will continue to be that way as the internet, AI, and humans evolve. SEO trends in 2024 are focused on getting strategist ready for Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE), putting a spotlight on creating valuable and shareable content, prioritizing EEAT, and enhancing user experience. Google is also going to be redefining the meaning of “helpful” and here are some new key insights to keep in mind while creating content for your site: 

  • Google looks at the value of your site as a whole, so make sure that your entire website is clear and offers unique values to users
  • Engage and try to understand generative AI before pushing it away. It’ll only continue to grow and SEO’s will need to learn how to work with it.
  • “Expertise” will also be taking on a new meaning and it’ll be the differentiating factor in 2024. Include unique insights and original data attributed with authors with names. 
  • Understanding a user’s true intent must be your leading principle.
  • Keep in mind technical SEO – consistently cleaning up the backend of your site can keep you more protected from core updates.

Marketing Ops Services

Elevate your business into a demand-generation powerhouse with the assistance of our Marketing Operations Services. We assist with everything mentioned above. We specialize in expanding the reach of your campaign from campaign execution, lead strategy, and lead management, and providing in-depth reports and insights. We work as an extension of your team. On top of campaign execution, we provide marketing strategy, reporting, SEO, content, social, and creative. 

If these seem a little daunting in creating a new strategy for 2024, we’d love to speak with you. Zirous has served in the tech industry for 35 years specializing in marketing operations, marketing technology, extended reality, and so much more. We have experts who are ready to help streamline your marketing efforts and help you meet your 2024 marketing goals. 

Ready to join the party? 

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