Preparing for Iowa’s New Consumer Data Protection Act: Are You Ready…
Get to know our staff and what we’re all about! This week’s installment features:
Jill Roozeboom, ZIROUS Senior business analyst
– Are you messy or organized?
“Organized. I have no idea where it comes from, but I am a Business Analyst, so part of my job is to be analytical and critique everything. My personality is to have everything in order and symmetrical.”
– What are your hobbies?
“My three favorite things to do are take naps, clean the house and shop online. I just like things organized and in order – it’s just part of my personality! Also, every time I clean it’s in a specific order.”
– Best vacation you’ve been on or place you’ve traveled?
“On a cruise to the eastern Caribbean. My favorite island was Grand Turk Island.”
-Favorite part about your work at Zirous?
“My favorite part is the people that I work with. They’re fun, we make each other laugh all the time and everyone is really smart.”
– If you could be anyone from any time period who would it be and why?
“I’d want to be Kid President because he’s so positive about life and is always encouraging others!”
-How do you balance career and family?
“I try to leave work at work – working for Zirous is very flexible, so it allows me to take off time when I need to attend family activities. I just try to not think about work when I’m not working and [am doing] all of the fun things with my husband and kids.”