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Discover the possibilities of streaming data at your organization.

We have tons of data pipeline secrets we just can't wait to share with you.

Our z|Discover educational series was built to empower organizations to make technology decisions that drive business value. Every session is 100% free, and we'll bring breakfast to your office so your whole team can come and enjoy with minimal disruption to their days.

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Pipelines & Pancakes

Eliminate silos to let the data (and the syrup) flow

Data silos are plaguing the accessibility of modern organizations’ most crucial asset: their data. How do your ETL processes, storage solutions, and analytics platforms need to advance to provide the right users with the data they need? Pipelines & Pancakes will introduce you to the world of streaming to enable decoupled and real-time integrations, hybrid architectures to cost-effectively store and analyze lots of data while still purposing it for meaningful reporting, and operationalizing the insights gained through advanced techniques like machine learning. Turn your data waffle into a data pancake and let the syrup flow!

We know our clients are busy people, so we’ve made our Pipelines & Pancakes process as easy as it gets.

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Express your interest by reaching out to your Zirous contact or filling out the form above. (Yay!)

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Enjoy an intro call with your dedicated data engineering expert and share what you really want to learn, what your goals are, what you’re struggling with — whatever you want!

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Select a date that works for you and your team. The presentation is conveniently at your office!

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Sit back, relax, and take in a presentation tailored to your exact needs. All while munching on some free breakfast!

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